Genova Pure City: from the Planned City to the Thinking City
On May 24th, 2023, the conference "Genova Pure City - From the Planned City to the Thinking City" took place at Palazzo Doge Ferretto in Genoa. The event publicly launched the Pure Cities movement, a concept promoted by Diotima Society and developed through the collaboration between The Transition Institute(City Hall of Genova, University of Genova, Diotima Society) and major institutions, enterprises, organizations, universities, and international research institutes. Genoa Pure City takes over the protagonist role of generating a new Alliance of coastal cities, aware that the Sea plays a central role in the global future.
Pure City is a concept-manifesto that takes place in the transition from the planned city to the thinking city.
The objectives of the Pure City are:
• Starting a process that highlights and brings together the new thinking cities
• Establishing a model representative of the TRANSITION and the Responsibility of territories in service to the future
• Attracting a "coalition for change" around this path, at the local, European, and global levels, starting from candidate Pure Cities with Genoa as the first lab.
These are challenging topics for the key change-makers.
Pure City represents the energy of a gravitational pole originating in Genoa, bringing together a worldwide selection of coastal cities to build a widespread and responsible network of outpost towers for an advanced vision of seas and oceans and a new function of land-water osmosis (converging with scientific research and high-tech procedures for the exploration of submarine environments and their security), encompassing life protection, energy generation, risk prediction and management, marine and subsea connections.
The Pure Cities Alliance will be an extensive and unprecedented market of ideas, technologies, meta-companies, and value-generating financial instruments, and the driver of a new and sustainable model for the Blue Economy: the sea as a participated asset, valued not only in terms of exploitable resources, but also – and mainly – as the main organic system of our world.
Genoa and the Pure Cities Alliance aim to position themselves as protagonists of the imminent metamorphosis of the habitat: increasingly healthy, energy-efficient, less risky, cradle of well-being and creative thinking.
Contributors to the discussion:
Sonia Sandei, Head of Electrification at Enel; Maurizio Morgantini, Architect, Designer and Urbanist; Paolo Zanenga, Innovation Strategist and Author, President of Diotima Society & The Transition Institute; Andrea Moro, President of IISBE (International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment); Silvano Cincotti, Full Professor of Economic and Management Engineering at the University of Genoa; Simone Bozzato, Professor of Geography at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"; Cesare Casati, Architect, Designer, Journalist, Cultural Influencer.
Moderator: Leonardo Parigi, Journalist at ShipMag.